Wednesday, February 15, 2012

How do you say "gobble, gobble" in Spanish?

I made Turkey Taco Lettuce Wraps from

This recipe is super easy and it's nice to know I can now make taco seasoning myself if I don't have any on hand.

A couple of notes:
  •  Use a non-stick pan with a lid.  Non-stick because it uses extra-lean ground turkey and there is no oil in the recipe.  I can't imagine the clean-up if you used a regular pan.  I don't like to scrub crud off my pans - call me crazy.  A lid because it calls for it, but not until the end of the recipe when you may not have realized you needed a pan with a lid!
  • It calls for a 4oz can of tomato sauce.  I don't think there is such an animal.  An 8oz can is teeny tiny, so I can only imagine you'd need a magnifying glass to open a 4oz can.  So buy the 8oz and use half.
  • This would be a good recipe to double and freeze the turkey stuff since it uses half a can of the tomato sauce, half an onion, and about half a small bell pepper.  If you're anything like me, the other halves of stuff like that sit in the fridge until they start growing things, then go in the trash.
  • Cook the turkey mixture for an extra 5 minutes with the lid off if the liquid isn't absorbed.  Mine was still soupy until I cooked it longer.
 Quite frankly, the hardest part of this recipe was peeling the lettuce layers.  I only had one come off that wasn't torn badly.  I have a new-found respect for the people who do this for PF Changs!  Let's hope they have a decent benefits package...

 I added a little cheese and plain yogurt as toppings.  At 134 calories a serving (2 tacos) before toppings, I figured the extras weren't going to hurt.

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